A Guide to Tinker 4/5

Do you enjoy fucking up your allies' games?

Let me introduce you to a great hero to play 4/5 on, Tinker!

This hero is normally played in mid, but due to recent changes in his kit, namely the introduction of Keen Conveyance and the swap of Defense Matrix and March of the Machines on the shard, the way that people play him is far different.

Why play this hero?

Well at level 1, you have a great laning nuke. You can deal 125 magic damage to both heroes in lane for the cost of 80 mana on an 18 second CD for a total of 250 magic damage spread across 2 heroes.

To put this into perspective, CM's nuke is 130 magical damage in an AoE for 115 mana on an 11 second CD. That's far worse in terms of damage.

Laser is a great trading tool in the lane. If you use it to guarantee ranged creeps it'll do some spillover damage to the melee offlaner that's trying to deny it. If you're using it to trade, it prevents the enemy from right clicking you for a few seconds, which will generally either make them run away because they can't do anything or they'll use their spells because what other damage can they output?

So... What are the caveats?

You're going to REALLY want to focus on your positioning and support play. You can't be a good Tinker support player without being a good support player. You're just going to be a bad Tinker.

The strong points of his kit is his laning stage, given that he has a teammate that is able to help out in case he gets gone on. Tinker has overwhelming damage all throughout the laning stage.